Thursday, November 18, 2010

Kids, family and the greatness of it all

Started my daughter on 1 foods tonight. She hates pineapple and pear sauce but loves apple sauce. She's gettin' spoiled too, spoiled rotten. Everytime we don't pick her up, she screams. I hate leaving her in her playpen to cry but if she's been fed and changed then ya know, it's gotta happen. I'm so blessed to have this little girl though, and a loving husband who is willing to help while I study for school or my upcoming A.C.T. My parents live with me and they are extremely helpful. I love them and am extremely thankful for them being around. I just realized something tonight, to count my blessings and realize my life isn't as bad as a lot of people around me. I have a roof over my head, food on my plate and a job to pay my bills. Even if things get tough, God gives me only what I can handle and I have to realize that sometimes and just take a step back. My life could be a lot worse than what it is. So, with that being said, love what you have and don't worry about what you don't. Makes things a lot easier. :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

So, explain this logic to me?

How is it right to induce labor and then leave it to die? Any answers? Barack Obama apparently thinks so, and when congress approves legislature to stop this horrible process, he overturns it. He then claims he doesn't understand the bill or doesn't know all of what it entails. Good try, but when you do it three times in a row, I call bullshit. Seriously, that's MURDER. It's heart is beating, it's ALIVE. But I guess it's cool to kill babies when you're that high up. I'm a mother, maybe I'm biased. However, this is SICK. He claims he wants change for the better, but ever since 2003 he's been fighting to let this happen in the state of Illinois. Better my ass. I see worse. and the mother's who let this happen are even worse! I'm pro-choice, don't get me wrong, BUT DO IT WHEN IT'S HEART ISN'T BEATING. Everyone's situation is different, and honestly I see abortion as WRONG in every shape and form, but the only reason I'm pro-choice is because I can't control every woman out there, not myself. Every woman has different situations and issues. BUT DO IT WHEN IT WON'T FEEL IT, NOT WHEN IT'S FULLY ALIVE AND IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Riddle me this...Riddle me that.

I'm not really new to the blogging world, but I haven't done it in forever. So forgive me if my punctuation or my grammar has a few flaws in it. So anyway, I went to the twitter website and I made one. I have no idea why I did it, but I did. Boredom I guess? Who knows. I'm gonna start doing a video blog on Youtube, so if anyone who reads this is interested in seeing that, I'll put the link down when I actually get it up and running. So I've been reading up lately on some politics and I have been slowly realizing that this country as a whole is screwing itself over more and more as the days drag on. First off, we blame George W. Bush for this war and say he's stupid and incompetent. Well people anyone with some general knowlege of the political government knows that the president is just a face for the majority and that it's the presidents cabinet that makes most of the decisions. So can you blame a man for listening to the people he handpicked to advise him on certain subjects? Yeah, you could say it's his fault for picking them. It's true to a point, however, it's also THEIR fault for the majority, them being the cabinet. I really wish Colin Powell was back in office, but he said he'll never do it again and his reasoning I COMPLETLY understand. So now we're onto the next president, Mr. Barack Obama. Now don't get me wrong, good guy. He's a CHICAGO POLITICIAN though. They're born bred to keep people in the dark, feed them bullshit and keep their people and ideas in office. He didn't lie either, so don't go bitching about the fact that Barack Obama lied. He said change was coming, and it did. I am a republican don't get me wrong. I'm in the military and republicans pay us WELL, but I can't call the man a liar, BUT we can go about calling him an idiot and here's why. George W. Bush sent us into the oblivion of hell when we went to Iraq and Afganistan, using the intel his cabinet provided. Not his fault, he believed what he was told. Good President, Bad information. Now Barack Obama is getting people out, and turning our country into a socialist country. Let's face it, the government soon will be telling us what to do and when to do it. The economy is so screwed and we owe so much money to so many countries that we're virtually owned, mainly by China. Hence why, our new president is an idiot. BUT! He's an idiot proving to other children that it's not just the white guy who can make it somewhere. Yay! You don't need to be a rapper or a drug dealer to make it through life! Hey, before you call the racist card on me, I heard someone say that on TV too, so bite me. I'm not the only one thinking it. But seriously, it puts a good note for the little guy who thinks he can't make it. So get off welfare and do something with your life, we see it's possible. That's a message FOR EVERYONE by the way. If I get hate mail talking about me being a racist, I'm gonna be pissed. Anywhozit (yeah it's a word. Google it! Check out, guarantee you'll find it there.) In my profile, it says what's my job. I'm in the military, the navy to be specific. Yes, I go on ships. No it's not a boat, yes you're an idiot. It's the NAVY people, we deal with water. It's the marines who can't. Jesus help us all. Marines can't get their own ships, so we babysit them while they go wherever they need to go. It's kinda cute. They claim to be the bad-asses of the military but yet they need us as their babysitters. Awwwww (My dad's gonna kick my ass for this, but it's too hard to resist) But on a serious note, every branch of the military is awesome and does a fantastic as well as important job for this country. Don't knock them. Know they're fighting for your rights and freedom. <3 But anywho, I gotta say that being a mom, going to work and going to school is hard. It's worth it I mean but it's hard. I can't stand those girls who have kids at like 14 and bitch about having to take care of their kids and work and go to school. It doesn't matter when you have your child, my husbands mom had him at 16..(I think..not very sure. If I did the math I could figure it out but I'm really lazy and really tired so bite me!) and she did what she had to do for her son and herself. She didn't complain a bit and now he's a hard working and handsome young man. So for those girls out there, if you happen to read this, quit being lame and do something with yourselves and STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT HAVING TO DO IT! It's not anyone elses fault that YOU had sex and got pregnant. Abortions are stupid so don't even go there with me. Murder is wrong on ALL forms. Kill yourself and see how you like it. Oh wait? You won't like it because you won't be alive. Killing something for being created isn't fair. They didn't have a choice in it, why take that away from them? Idiot.

I talk a lot when I go into tangents. How do I manage it? Who knows. Anyway, keep following me on my blogs. I'll post up once or twice a week. My email is Email me if you want me to talk about anything in particular.