Thursday, November 18, 2010

Kids, family and the greatness of it all

Started my daughter on 1 foods tonight. She hates pineapple and pear sauce but loves apple sauce. She's gettin' spoiled too, spoiled rotten. Everytime we don't pick her up, she screams. I hate leaving her in her playpen to cry but if she's been fed and changed then ya know, it's gotta happen. I'm so blessed to have this little girl though, and a loving husband who is willing to help while I study for school or my upcoming A.C.T. My parents live with me and they are extremely helpful. I love them and am extremely thankful for them being around. I just realized something tonight, to count my blessings and realize my life isn't as bad as a lot of people around me. I have a roof over my head, food on my plate and a job to pay my bills. Even if things get tough, God gives me only what I can handle and I have to realize that sometimes and just take a step back. My life could be a lot worse than what it is. So, with that being said, love what you have and don't worry about what you don't. Makes things a lot easier. :)

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