Wednesday, November 17, 2010

So, explain this logic to me?

How is it right to induce labor and then leave it to die? Any answers? Barack Obama apparently thinks so, and when congress approves legislature to stop this horrible process, he overturns it. He then claims he doesn't understand the bill or doesn't know all of what it entails. Good try, but when you do it three times in a row, I call bullshit. Seriously, that's MURDER. It's heart is beating, it's ALIVE. But I guess it's cool to kill babies when you're that high up. I'm a mother, maybe I'm biased. However, this is SICK. He claims he wants change for the better, but ever since 2003 he's been fighting to let this happen in the state of Illinois. Better my ass. I see worse. and the mother's who let this happen are even worse! I'm pro-choice, don't get me wrong, BUT DO IT WHEN IT'S HEART ISN'T BEATING. Everyone's situation is different, and honestly I see abortion as WRONG in every shape and form, but the only reason I'm pro-choice is because I can't control every woman out there, not myself. Every woman has different situations and issues. BUT DO IT WHEN IT WON'T FEEL IT, NOT WHEN IT'S FULLY ALIVE AND IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!

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